After long hours of working from home, you might also be one of those who have flocked to our local parks and gardens to enjoy...

My Consumption, My Life? Why Climate Change is Not Just About You.
When we say the term “climate change”, what is the first thought that you have? For most of us, it is just about the Earth and...
Conserving Our Last Native Wildcat: The Leopard Cat
[Photograph credit: Marcus Chua] This blogpost is writen by Daphne Ong, volunteer with the Singapore Wildcat Action...
Hiking: Are You Doing It Sustainably?
When the Covid-19 pandemic hit us, oh boy did it hit us hard. Our mobility was reduced drastically with movement restrictions of...
How You Can Help Cleaning Up Singapore’s Shores
We all know plastic kills. We all know plastic is bad for the environment. We all know that plastic is an issue that is hard to...
No 2021 Resolution Yet? Add This: Beach Clean Ups
Have you ever taken been to one of our many beautiful beaches here in Singapore and looked around at the beach and just seen...
Ecotourism and Sustainable Travel
I’ve always dreamt of travelling as a child. I would read about the natural wonders of the world, watch documentaries about...
Being an Ethical Ocean-Lover
In recent years, activities that involve close interaction with ocean biodiversity such as snorkeling and scuba diving have...

3 Things I Do Differently This Lunar New Year
I know. It has been such a loooooong while since I have written a blogpost. Yes, I really do miss writing and being able to share my experiences, reflections and thoughts about matters regarding sustainability and how to reduce waste in Singapore. So with the coming...