by andrealaw | Dec 2, 2019 | Food & Lifestyle, Sustainable Living
Living a sustainable lifestyle is not only rewarding, it’s also incredibly important. There are all sorts of ways, large and small, that you can help have a positive impact on the environment. From the car that you drive, to the products that you buy, and even the...
by andrealaw | Nov 14, 2019 | Food & Lifestyle, Sustainable Living
In our tropical little red dot, we are not only high in humidity and temperature. We are also high in the amount of food waste generated every year. As we have seen in the recent Zero Waste Masterplan published by the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources,...
by andrealaw | Sep 20, 2019 | Current Affairs, Sustainable Living
It started as an aspiring personal lifestyle among the eco-conscious community, and now it has become a national goal. In the Year Towards Zero Waste, Singapore aims to reduce the amount of waste disposed into the landfill per capita by 30% by 2030. While it is indeed...