Read This Before You Start Shopping!

As a brand trying to push for zero-waste, there has always been some conflict on how to allow customers to purchase our products with intent and not out of impulse.
This is also a question that I have asked myself for many years.
So this is how we try our best to encourage conscious purchases and thank you for spending time to read this before purchasing anything from us!
Love, Jo

Curated Essentials
90% of the Bathroom and Kitchen product range we sell have been used, tried and tested by our founder, Jo.
They are alternatives that she wanted to use in her daily life, in which she decided to make the product more accessible to everyone. That's why you will not find 2 variations of the same product!
Check out her favourites below!

Transparency In Information
We share all the information we know about our products. For each product, you will information such as End of Life Treatment, Packaging, How Many Disposables Does It Replace and more!
With all these information, we want to ensure you have all the necessary information to make an informed choice.

Starter Packs Available
Starter packs are essentially smaller variation of our products which allows you to test the product with the lowest commitment.
It also helps us to prevent any form of waste!

No Flash Discount
Sorry to disappoint but we do not do flash discounts or take part in crazy sales as we do not want it to be a contributing factor to your impulse buy.
The maximum discount we give is 15% and we hope you will understand!

A Gentle Reminder, All The Time
We will always include "Please purchase it if you need it" in every message we share from 2022 onwards.
This serves as a gentle reminder to ensure you purchase consciously!

Dedicated Blogpost For Unique Products
We have dedicated blogpost which shares the details and FAQ of unconventional products so that you have all the information to understand if you require the product.
Product Consideration Checklist
It is in no desire for us to encourage impulse purchases. We want to ensure every purchase you make from our store comes with a considerable amount of thought and intent.
As such, we started this new series - #productconsiderationchecklist on our Instagram Page to share with you what to consider before committing to purchasing from our shop.